Beyond Project Controls

I would like to submit my blog ” Beyond Project Controls” which I had already started in 2020, publishing some posts in English but now I have decided to favor articles in Italian.

” Why this title? Project control (project controls) it has so many implications that it is difficult to draw the line; On the contrary, it expands continuously, like any other discipline. Project controls is a little known discipline in Italy even if in recent times I have seen a growing interest in this topic, also highlighted by job offers for experienced people – at various levels- di project control, come project controls manager, project controls specialist o planner di progetto e cost controls engineers. Project control in its traditional sense includes planning, project planning and control, with emphasis on timing, cost and scope control: in a word, the components of the baseline plan.

In its broadest sense, project control also includes risk management, communication management with related document system, change management (change) to the purpose of the work and the quality. In fact, in large projects abroad it is not unusual for the project controls manager or director to be responsible for a number of key project management processes.

Basically, controlling a project involves many processes and a “project control system” has implications for the organization, company policies e, virtually, with all project management processes and disciplines. An example: the importance of managing and improving contractual relationships, which is a new parameter compared to traditional times, costs, quality.

The Beyond Project Controls blog discusses the integrated project control system and the specific processes that make it up. In fact, I believe that the evolution of project control goes precisely towards the integration of processes, in order to improve the project management skills of the Client and the Contractors, with their respective needs and requirements.

The blog also covers very specific topics posted on the “confine” of project control but which have a significant impact on project management, such as delay analysis techniques (schedule delay analysis) for contract and claim management, program float mapping techniques (project schedule) large size of hundreds of tasks typical in EPC projects, quantitative risk analysis techniques (QSRA quantitative schedule risk analysis), applied to programming (now a standard in the most important projects abroad), as well as more classic topics such as the application of earned value management methodologies or insights into project management processes and tools, come i project delivery method.

I would like to close the presentation of this blog with a nod to a last topic dear to me: that of contractual relationships That, in my opinion, represent a new critical factor for the success of a project. In order to be successful, project management must in fact be "contracted" and involve all contractual stakeholders; I learned this aspect by working on large international projects.

I hope you find the posts of your interest and thank you for the comments you want to make.